Exercise Scientist Critiques Jay Cutler's Training

most importantly on legs is the depth that I go ooh J tickle my pickle sir y y y amazing amazing technique here super awesome [Music] de hey folks Dr Mike here for RP strength I've been a longtime professor of exercise and Sport Science a competitive though not so good added bodybuilder and a competitive and much better than at bodybuilding Brazilian jiu-jitsu Grappler sorry that's Jiu-Jitsu it's secret secret technique forget you saw that but enough about this nonsense let's talk about Mr Jay Cutler multi-time Mr Olympia champion

and one of the people that in real life when he was at his biggest looked not real I saw him once at a booth in the mid 2000s very close to his Prime at the Arnold and remember looking at his whole body and thinking two things one his delts were roughly the size of a regular person's head which makes no sense and I also remember that when he hit my visual field my internal GPT the first thing it went to the first node was refrigerator it didn't go to a person didn't go to a chimp it went to fridge a large fridge

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