Dorian Yates Lists Top 10 Exercises and His 2 Favorite Bodybuilders

 Dorian Yates, a name etched in the annals of bodybuilding history, continues to influence the sport long after his retirement.

Known as “The Shadow,” Yates dominated the Mr. Olympia stage with six consecutive wins, transforming bodybuilding with his monstrous back and sheer mass.

Recently, in a YouTube interview published on July 10, 2024, Dorian Yates shared his top 10 exercises for building an impressive physique and named his favorite bodybuilders from the Men’s Open and Classic Physique divisions.

Let’s delve into Yates’ insights and his reasons for favoring Chris Bumstead and Hadi Choopan.

Related: Dorian Yates Now: The Legacy of a Bodybuilding Legend
Dorian Yates’ Top 10 Exercises for Building ‘The Best Physique’

Yates’ training philosophy emphasizes intensity and precision, which he applied throughout his career.

His top 10 exercises reflect his dedication to comprehensive muscle development. Here’s a breakdown of Dorian Yates’ go-to exercises:
1. Leg Extensions

Leg extensions are crucial for isolating the quadriceps, allowing for targeted muscle growth.

Dorian Yates considers this exercise essential for building the front thigh muscles, providing that sculpted look.

2. Squat/Leg Press Machine

Squats and leg presses are fundamental for overall leg development.

These compound movements engage multiple muscle groups, including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes, promoting strength and size.
3. Nautilus Pullover Machine

Dorian Yates was a proponent of the Nautilus pullover machine for developing the lats and expanding the rib cage.

This machine offers a unique angle of resistance that traditional pulldowns and rows cannot replicate.
4. Pulldowns

Pulldowns are essential for building a wide back. They target the latissimus dorsi, giving that coveted V-taper look.

Dorian Yates emphasized strict form to maximize muscle engagement.

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5. Bench Press Movement

A staple in any bodybuilding routine, the bench press is critical for developing the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Yates preferred a combination of flat and incline presses to target different parts of the chest.
6. Flye Movement

Dumbbell or machine flyes are excellent for isolating the chest muscles.

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This movement allows for a deep stretch and contraction, promoting muscle growth and definition.
7. Dumbbell Lateral Raise

For shoulder development, lateral raises are unparalleled.

They specifically target the medial deltoids, which are crucial for creating broad, rounded shoulders.

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8. Standing Calf Raise

Calf development is often overlooked, but Yates made it a priority.

Standing calf raises engage the gastrocnemius muscle, contributing to overall lower leg strength and aesthetics.
9. Concentration Curl

To isolate the biceps, concentration curls are highly effective.

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This exercise ensures a peak contraction, promoting bicep growth and definition.
10. Cable Tricep Pushdown

For triceps, cable pushdowns are a go-to exercise.

They provide constant tension throughout the movement, essential for tricep development and arm size.

Related: Top 10 Exercises Men Need to Build Muscle
Yates’ Favorite Bodybuilders of the Current Era

Even in retirement, Dorian Yates remains deeply connected to the bodybuilding community.

He keeps a keen eye on contemporary athletes, identifying those who embody the spirit of excellence.

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Yates highlighted Chris Bumstead and Hadi Choopan as his favorite bodybuilders from the Classic Physique and Men’s Open divisions, respectively.
Chris Bumstead: The Classic Physique Champion

Chris Bumstead, a reigning five-time Classic Physique Olympia champion, has captured

Yates praised Bumstead’s proportions, conditioning, and overall aesthetics.

“Well, I’d go for Chris Bumstead as not impressive in the way that probably myself and Ronnie, Jay, and so on, because we’re very big and ripped but he comes in good shape. He has very good proportions, no real weak body parts. Nice physique. So, I would say yeah, probably Chris Bumstead.”

Bumstead’s physique harks back to the golden era of bodybuilding, reminiscent of legends like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

His balanced muscle groups and classic lines make him a standout in the sport.

Yates suggested that Bumstead could even challenge himself by moving up to the Men’s Open class, adding an exciting layer to his already illustrious career.

Related: Chris Bumstead: The Mental and Physical Journey to a Fifth Classic Physique Olympia Title
Hadi Choopan: The Men’s Open Contender

Hadi Choopan, known for his incredible conditioning and muscularity, is Yates’ pick from the Men’s Open division.

Choopan’s journey from Iran to the Olympia stage is a testament to his determination and hard work.

Yates acknowledged Choopan’s strengths while also noting his limitations.

“The guys that’s in the Open, I mean, Hadi comes in good shape from the front, not from the back, but from the front he’s in good shape. But he’s very small, he’s a short guy, blocky, and so on. I don’t think — no disrespect to anyone individually, but I don’t think people can relate even if you showed that to the average guy on the street or the average gym goer that that’s the best bodybuilder in the world. I think they’d be a bit confused as to why that is.”

Choopan’s compact frame and dense musculature make him a formidable competitor, but Yates believes that mainstream audiences might not fully appreciate his physique compared to someone like Bumstead, who has a more universally appealing look.

Related: Hadi Choopan Biography, Height, Weight, Age, Olympia
The Case for Chris Bumstead in the Open Division

Yates isn’t the first to suggest that Bumstead try his hand at the Men’s Open division.

Retired Men’s Open Pro Iain Valliere, who is also Bumstead’s brother-in-law, believes that the Canadian champ could excel in the Open category.

Bumstead himself has hinted at the possibility, jokingly suggesting that he might bulk up to 310 pounds to compete against Derek Lunsford at the 2025 Mr. Olympia.

Yates sees potential in Bumstead’s move to the Open division, although he acknowledges that it would be a significant challenge. “Yeah, they would relate to that [Chris Bumstead] because he’s a bit like Arnold or something like that,” said Yates. “Whether it would be worth making that jump to the Open, probably not because he’s so established and everything but if he’s looking for a challenge maybe that would be one.”

Dorian Yates, with his unparalleled experience and insight, continues to shape the bodybuilding discourse.

His top 10 exercises reflect a deep understanding of muscle development and the importance of precision in training.

By highlighting Chris Bumstead and Hadi Choopan, Yates recognizes the evolving landscape of bodybuilding while paying homage to the classic aesthetics and relentless dedication that define the sport.

Yates’ admiration for Bumstead’s classic proportions and Choopan’s conditioning underscores the diversity in bodybuilding physiques.

Whether Bumstead decides to venture into the Men’s Open division remains to be seen, but the prospect adds an exciting dimension to his career.

As Yates continues to share his wisdom, he remains a guiding force in bodybuilding, inspiring both seasoned athletes and newcomers alike.

In the ever-evolving world of bodybuilding, Dorian Yates‘ insights serve as a beacon of knowledge and inspiration, reminding us that the pursuit of excellence is a lifelong journey.

His appreciation for both the old and new guard of bodybuilders highlights the timeless nature of the sport, where dedication, discipline, and passion reign supreme.

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